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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock B203 Motorcycle (Addon)

MCPE/Bedrock B203 Motorcycle (Addon)

B203 is an all terrain motorcycle made for combat and transportation the motorcycle is planned to be use on a map name further than zero. 2 players can ride the motorcycle. I got the ideas on the model from loginium mars motorcycle (addon) but this is a complete a different model and texture.


B203 motorcycle (Pov)

Player riding 

(Steve did escape from glados from the portal map i made XD)

Well i don't have another player riding photo but credits goes to loginium for the model.

You can use this for a video,map,project,etc as long as you give credits 

You are not allowed to claim this is yours or to give direct links to media fire. if you want to send a link to this addon just send the original website of this addon or the original adfly link for this addon



Fixed Link Remove allowing of notifications Option. And Fixed The Link Once Again✔️


The Link will send you to Linkvertise (totally safe)

You just need to follow basic things like 

Wait for 5 seconds 

Look at mini news they'll show for 10 seconds 

Allow Linkvertise notifications 

And Done✅

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCujzA4T-3-uHXEMgmzETJlQ