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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But Every Block I Touch Turns Into Blocks of Gold

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But Every Block I Touch Turns Into Blocks of Gold

Did you ever want to make a stream or video for youtube entertaining and fun for your viewers but that wasn't so hard for you to do it? Because i bring you a mod of minecraft bedrock that transforms all solid blocks into blocks of gold, so you get exchange with piglins and they give you good things, but without ceasing to be a challenge


Well, this add-on brings what it says in the title, basically all the solid blocks you touch will turn into gold.

But that doesn't mean that crystals and leaf blocks don't turn into gold, it just means that blocks that take up 1x1x1 block space will be converted

There is a bug in minecraft that makes the Add-on not work in the nether or in the end, take it as a break, and if you are from an older version, enjoy the challenge, although I do not know if they have already fixed it in the betas of 1.17, It works if you place blocks of commands in repeat mode with the following comands

  • /function behind
  • /function down
  • /function front
  • /function inside
  • /function left
  • /function right
  • /function up

Or you can really choose the ones you want but I recommend you not to do it because the command blocks have an area where they work and is not efficient to place command blocks every certain amount of blocks and you will end up getting bored, better follow my advice and take it as a break

Transform all the blocks on your right, the top ones, the bottom ones, the front ones, the back ones, the sides, and, if you get trapped in gravel also transform the blocks you get traped in, basically, every block your skin touuches

if you think this can become very easy, in my profile I have a similar mod but with bedrock blocks

And if you are a creator of add-ons and would like to create an addon like this you are completely free to use this code, you do not need to leave credits, anyway this is my last addon of this style

Finally, if you make a video about this mod, please leave the mcpedl link that even if you don't believe it supports me a lot

News of version 1.0.6

  • 1.17 corrected errors
  • The nether bug still exists(help)
  • nothing more

Thank you for reading ?

creator: https://twitter.com/Gralry1


many blocks are now transformed(smooth basalt, deepslate, deepslate bricks, deepslate ores, polished blackstone, polished deepslate, and so on), I still fail in the nether and in the end (seriously help)


also support the new versions after 1.17.0