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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Mike Wazowski in Minecraft

MCPE/Bedrock Mike Wazowski in Minecraft

Have you ever imagined having mike wazowski in minecraft?, because with this add-on you can have the famous monster from the movie monster university, you can have him as a pet and you will have several benefits such as more space for your adventures and it will also protect you from monsters, I will give you more details below.



Mike Wazowski

defends you

it will follow you everywhere

Mike Wazowski can carry your things

tame it with salmon and cod (Necessary for me to follow you)

you can also find it in the inventory

get it with command

do not forget to activate the experimental game so that it works

in this video I explain everything

if you make a video (leave the credits and this page)

if you liked it, share it with your friends, Thank you


how to download it?
• wait 5 seconds

•continue free download

•click discover articles (don't read them)

•wait 10 seconds and press x

•click continue and you can download

creator: Luiscraft