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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Lux's WW2 Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Lux's WW2 Addon

Travel back in time to the WW2 era and join either the Allies or the Axis and fight off the enemies! (Factions coming soon) Take the armor of 6 different uniforms, 3 ally uniforms, and 3 axis uniforms. choose from a variety of weapons, all historically accurate. For the release, there's only 6 different rifleman. In future updates, there'll be more countries and more types of soldiers.

DONT STEAL MY WORK AND PUBLISH IT AS YOUR OWN!!!You're allowed the showcase it on YouTube, but you must put this link in the description.




American Rifleman

Health: 20

Equipment: M1 Garand

Drops: M1 Garand, Colt M1911, M1 Garand ammo, Colt M1911 ammo, 1 piece of armor


British Rifleman

Health: 20

Equipment: Lee-Enfield

Drops: Lee-Enfield, Webley Revolver, Lee-Enfield ammo, Webley Revolver ammo, 1 piece of armor


Soviet Union Rifleman

Health: 20

Equipment: Tokarev SVT-38

Drops: Tokarev SVT-38, Tokarev TT-33, Tokarev SVT-38 ammo, Tokarev TT-33 ammo, 1 piece of armor





German Rifleman

Health: 20

Equipment: Gewehr 41(M)

Drops: Gewehr 41(M), Luger, Gewehr 41(M) ammo, Luger ammo, 1 piece of armor


Japanese Rifleman

Health: 20

Equipment: Arisaka

Drops: Arisaka, Nambu, Arisaka ammo, Nambu ammo, 1 piece of armor


Italian Rifleman

Health: 20

Equipment: Carcano M1938

Drops: Carcano M1938, Beretta M1935, Carcano M1938 ammo, Beretta M1935 ammo, 1 piece of armor












Changed the Linkvertise links. Admin's orders. 




Mobile - download both the .mcaddon files and press open


Xbox and Windows 10 - download both the .mcaddon files, turn them both into a .zip, then extract it, then move the both the folders inside into the corresponding folders in the Minecraft files.