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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock INSANE KNOCKBACK [Increased Knockback Addon]

MCPE/Bedrock INSANE KNOCKBACK [Increased Knockback Addon]

Don't you wish you never stayed in one area, don't you wish you would punch something or get punched and get sent to the moon, well now you can. With this addon, knockback in increased 100 times.


This addon is used for chaotic fun with friends, or just with you alone. When using the addon, knockback for you and other entities will be increase by 100 times, making mobs disappear if there is nothing in there way and will be launched. How the addon works is by simply increasing all mobs knockback. An example is lets say without the addon you get knockbacked 2 blocks (knockback taken on a regular hit), it will then be 200 with the addon. Its a simple addon and adds a lot of fun. trying to beat Minecraft is vary hard with this and wish you good luck in beating it. Bellow is an example of how the addon works.





WARNING: the addon wont work properly if you use it on a old world, you must use it on a new world. If you don't, some entities wont get the knockback.





Join my discord to interact with others who play this game and others that I've made, also allowing you to give suggestions and download other games I've made.

I also stream on twitch and going on the discord can notify you when I'm streaming, I play my games and sometimes other games and you can play with me on stream.


If you use the star discord server link (THANK YOU) click it link, you should be sent to join the discord, once you have you will be sent to the welcome channel and in the welcome channel, there will be a blue highlighted part named #games, click that and then find the game you want to download.

If you picked the regular link all you have to do is click the link and then press download.

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMXLzZsSN9ruDYCLsvJYlew