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MCPE/Bedrock Improvised Boats V3 (Big Update)
Improvised boats, is an addon which is designed for survival and adventure for players, who explore a lot with or without friends, at the moment there are only two boats which are well detailed and have animations.
Thanks to Byronjvh for letting me use the code of their boats "Minimalist Boats", thank you very much.
These boats work in a similar way to the vanilla, being able to carry 4 people at the same time, to get them you will only have to create them in the following way:
Big Boat
It has the capacity to carry 4 players and entities in it, and it is faster than the vanilla ship.
Fast Boat
It has the capacity to carry 1 player or entity in it, and it is faster than the Big Boat.
The sail of the ship turns in the direction where the player is looking.
Casual Boat (NEW)
It is faster than the "Big Boat" and has a chest which you can open to store your little things.
Better inventory added
56 Slots
Furnace Boat (NEW)
It has a special function, since when interacting with a carbon block, it will increase its speed to double for 1 minute, then it will return to normal.
Chest Boat (NEW)
This ship has the characteristic of having an inventory, this is simple and has several slots
It is not allowed to leave the direct link of this addon if a review is made, nor is it allowed to upload it again on another page
Thank you for supporting the plugin, if you receive more support I will update it more often, I just hope you like this update
Added the "Furnace Boat".
Added better inventory for the "Casual Boat".
Added the "Chest Boat".
Fixed compatibility with 1.17.32.