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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Go Karts!

MCPE/Bedrock Go Karts!

TGBT and Infinity minds now come together to bring you... Go Karts! These come in a variety of 6 different colors ranging from red, blue, green, yellow, and two special paint containing TG's IRL kart and an Oakland Valley Race Park official sponsored Kart!



TGBT and Infinity minds now come together to bring you... the Go Karts addon! These come in a variety of 6 different colors ranging from red, blue, green, yellow, and two special paint containing TG's IRL kart and an Oakland Valley Race Park official sponsored go karts, with TGBT doing the textures and fixing up the original bugged mcpack from Infinity Minds (With permission from the C.E.O himself)


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Added .zip file extension as download options (Recommended for PE users)


Simply click on "Resource" and "Behavior" to get an ad-free download to each of the packs.