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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Fixed Player Animation (Beta 0.1.0)

MCPE/Bedrock Fixed Player Animation (Beta 0.1.0)

version: 0.1.0 | File Uploaded: 12/13/2021

Have you ever been sick of Bedrock Edition's broken animations? This resource pack will fix the player animations! We'll keep trying to fix as many bugs as we can! Note: There may be a few bugs that are not currently present in vanilla. If you find a bug, we'd appreciate it if you'd contact us right away!


I found a couple of YouTube videos showing my resource pack. I'm very happy. Thank you very much!
However, I would like to add that I found a few videos that may be misleading.
This resource pack is not a Java parity patch. Some of the animations and poses have been adjusted to match the Java Edition, but some use animations from the past Bedrock Edition. In fact, the left hand does not appear in the crossbow charge animation in the Java Edition.

Also, the plan was to make it open source in the future, but we are rethinking that a bit, so that may change.
This resource pack consists of my "hobbies", "interests", "spare time", and "anger".


This resource pack was created with the goal of fixing almost all the bugs present in vanilla. If there are any bugs that exist in vanilla and have not been fixed, we would appreciate it if you would send them to us via Twitter or in the comments on this page!


List of vanilla bugs fixed as of now:

--- 0.0.0 ---

## Third Person
001: attack animation is cut off in the middle.
002: right hand in the attack animation does not affect the direction the player's head is facing.
003: movement of the torso in the attack animation is too small.
004: left hand movement in the attack animation does not match that of the Java Edition.
005: direction of the attack animation arms during swimming is incorrect.
006: direction of the arms in the attack animation while gliding in Elytra is incorrect.
007: attack animation cannot be stopped when the item use animation is played.
008: arms do not swing up and down in the bob animation.
009: left leg does not swing up and down.
010: speed of the right and left hand bob animations are slightly inconsistent with Java Edition.
011: direction of the bow is not slightly tilted when you are holding it.
012: direction of the arm when using the bow is slightly off [Animation - Humanoid code].
013: holding the bow upside down.
014: When using a bow while gliding in Elytra, the direction of the arm does not match the direction of the player's head.
015: arm does not swing up and down while charging the crossbow.
016: crossbow is floating a bit.
017: direction of the arm while charging the crossbow is slightly off [same code as the bow (experimental)].
018: position of the player in flight in Elytra is not set to the center of the torso.
019: There is no delay in turning your head when looking at the camera as there is in Java Edition.
020: The player's head angle limit is now -90 ~ 90, which is greater than the Java Edition (at the moment it is -56 ~ 56, which is probably incorrect).
021: When the direction of the torso changed, the limbs stopped moving.
022: When he took damage, his limbs stopped moving.
023: The animation when eating or drinking a potion is not smooth.
024: Eating or drinking a potion does not affect the direction the player is looking.
025: The torso is slightly out of position during the sneak.
026: During the sneak, the position of the head changes according to the direction of the torso.
027: Both feet are slightly out in front of each other during the sneak.
028: Both hands are not slightly forward during the sneak.
029: The center of the player in the swim is not the torso.
030: Keep both hands and feet moving during swimming.
031: When you hold the spyglass, if you look more than 45 degrees, the direction of your head will not stop there (otherwise your arm and binoculars will shift a lot)

## First Person
032: Attack animations are not smooth and do not match the Java Edition.
033: attack animation for the arms when holding the map with both hands is completely off.
034: When holding the map in one hand, the timing is slightly off when moving forward.
035: Attack animations for Attachable items seem to slide sideways. - The fix is in the testing phase.
036: crossbow does not bob up and down while charging it.
037: When you have a crossbow, it's always set to the right, even if you don't have a shield in your off hand.
038: Breathing bob for Attachable items is too slow.
039: Breathing bob for Attachable items is too strong.
040: "change in orientation" has disappeared from the Attachable item breathing bob.
041: breathing bob of the crossbow is no longer shaking left and right.
042: code for the bow animation is a little weird (B: 1000 * 1.3 -> A: 1300).
043: swaying animation when using the bow is already strong when you start using it.
044: scale does not extend when using a bow.
045: bow is constantly shaking.
046: The direction of the empty bare hand is not correct and it appears to be low and small in height.
047: Changes in the magnitude of the bob caused by changes in the strength of the walking animation are too slow (e.g., dash animation -> arm position returns very slowly until it stops. The opposite is also slow).
048: The walking animation bobs left and right significantly.
049: Despite the fact that there is a changelog that says the trident has been fixed to match the way it is held in Java Edition, the height is too low and the orientation is slightly off.
050: Sudden shaking immediately after the setup animation when using the trident is finished.

--- 0.1.0 ---

051: Made the crossbow charge animation look like a combination of Java Edition and Bedrock Edition. Looks good, right?!?!?!??!?!?!?//1/
 -> 052 The crossbow will now move to the center of the screen while charging.
 -> 053 The crossbow now bobs up and down while charging.
054: Made the attack animation when holding the shield closer to 1.16.200.
055: Made the attack animations closer to Java Edition from Bedrock Edition 1.12.1; the animations in 1.12.1 look completely broken, which is not appropriate for this resource pack.
056: Fixed an issue where the walking animation of some attachable items was too weak, making them more like other items.
057: Fixed an issue where changes in arm position in walking animations would affect the client-side frame rate.
058: Fixed an issue where the arms would not smoothly return to their original orientation when switching between swimming animations.
059: Bug with bow always shaking [yes].
060: Fixed a slight problem with the orientation of the first-person crossbow. Minor adjustments will be made in the future.
061: The pull animations for bows, tridents, and crossbows have been doubled from 1.17.0.
062: Removed Herobrine's technical animations.
063: Bob animations are now randomly offset.




and more!

Checked Minecraft Version:v1.18.0


Based Code/Files - Minecraft(Microsoft[ https://microsoft.net/ ], Mojang Studio[ https://mojang.com/ or https://minecraft.net/ ])
  First Person - v1.17.2
  Third Person - v1.17.2

 Attachabled Items:
  Bow - v1.17.32
  Shield - v1.17.2
  Trident - v1.17.32
  Crossbow - v1.17.2
  Spyglass - v1.17.2

 MoLang Document:
  Bedrock developer wiki: https://bedrock.dev/docs/stable/Molang

 Using Code:
  Based First Person Attack Vaule / Java Edition Hand Rot / Pos - Captain Jerome ( https://twitter.com/i/status/1366258606761410561/)
  Based Spyglass Code - MCPE4theBeacon ( https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-125785)


Twitter / ニコニコ動画

Please read either the readme_en.txt in the resource pack folder before using it (readme_ja.txt is for Japanese).


Planet Minecraft




If you want to zip it, replace ".mcpack" in the downloaded file with ".zip".


creator: https://twitter.com/eaglengs