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MCPE/Bedrock Arthropods Addon | New Scorpions!

Minecraft's mobs are always big, and there are no small creatures other than the silverfish and endermite, even after several updates have already passed, there are still no small mobs. With this addon, Minecraft's world will be more full of life with the addition of insects, in fact, they are the most abundant species in the real world
This Addon currently has 7 Arthropods present.

This insect spawns pretty much anywhere in the overworld except for ocean and snow biomes
-has 10% chance to spawn a queen
-queen ant produces 1 ant larvae every 1 to 2 minutes
-ant larvae will grow within 1 minute and has 10% chance to become a queen ant
-ants spawn everywhere in the overworld
-will attack other arthropods
-will attack any mob that try to attack one of their kind
-will protect the queen at all costs
Hercules Beetle

This mob also has the same spawn rules as the ant
-only flies around
-has 30 health
This mob also has the same spawn rules as the and the behaviors as the hercules beetle
-comes in a variety of 5 colors


Spawns in swamps because that's the environment they most prefer
-has a chance to drop slime when killed
-eaten by the chicken

These beautiful creatures will light up the night in a spectacular display of lights and spawns pretty much anywhere in the overworld

This predatory insect will eat other arthropods and spawns in the overworld

-neutral towards players
-attacks other insects
-only spawns at night
-spawns both on the surface and underground
-has 4 attack damage
-this has a total of 6 variants and 2 skins
-the normal scorpion has a brown color
-the yellow scorpion appears when it spawns in a desert biome

-each of these scorpions has 2 extra variants
-there is a rare chance that a giant scorpion will spawn which has 8 attack damage

-giant scorpions will attack other larger mobs like the chicken, rabbit, bat, spider, cave spider, parrot, and the pig
-the rarest variant of the scorpion is the scorpion jockey which adds a skeleton rider, much like the spider jockey

-scorpions have a chance to drop their stingers that you can use to make very potent poison potions

-can be used to brew very potent poison potions and deadly tipped arrows
-can be placed in cauldrons
-can be also drank to give you absorption for 30 seconds
-can be brewed again with gunpowder to make it a splash potion
The vanilla chicken will now attack earthworms as they are their favorite food.
-scorpion venom cannot be put in couldrons
-splash scorpion venom cannot be thrown
-added a new scorpion mob!
-neutral towards players
-attacks other insects
-only spawns at night
-spawns both on the surface and underground
-this has a total of 6 variants and 2 skins
-the normal scorpion has a brown color
-the yellow scorpion appears when it spawns in a desert biome
-has 4 attack damage
-each of these scorpions has 2 extra variants
-there is a rare chance that a giant scorpion will spawn which has 8 attack damage
-giant scorpions will attack other larger mobs like the chicken, rabbit, bat, spider, cave spider, parrot, and the pig
-the rarest variant of the scorpion is the scorpion jockey which adds a skeleton rider, much like the spider jockey
-scorpions have a chance to drop their stingers that you can use to make very potent poison potions
-fixed mantis not attacking when being attacked
-the hercules beetle will now try to avoid scorpions
-the mantis can now naturally spawn in the overworld
-fireflies will now spawn only on the surface
-adjusted firefly spawn rate
-fixed a bug where baby fireflies don't grow up
-new item added! the scorpion stinger
-can be used to brew very potent poison potions and deadly tipped arrows
-can be placed in cauldrons
-can be also drank to give you absorption for 30 seconds
-can be brewed again with gunpowder to make it a splash potion
-scorpion venom cannot be put in couldrons
-splash scorpion venom cannot be thrown