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MCPE/Bedrock Family Life 2.0 - New Update
This addon adds interactive npcs around the world. Where you can talk, get married, have kids and more.
This addon does not use any scripts so it can be compatible with consoles, PC and mobile
To start a purpose, press the "interact" button
The new interaction screen, adds buttons to the screen and you can simply click on them.
- random - You have a random chance of winning or losing happiness, romantic interest or friendship
- tell story - You have a random chance to win or lose friendship
- tell a joke - You have a random chance to win or lose happiness
- flirt - You have a random chance of winning or losing romantic interest
- shake hand  - You have a random chance to win or lose friendship
- kiss - You have a random chance of winning or losing romantic interest
- You can give a gift. And the ones he or she will like will be decided randomly, if you hit the right item you can earn happiness, romantic interest or friendship
You can view npc's favourite information and items using the status book
the status book can be done with a book and a diamond
- how to get married
- Don't attack the npc, you'll have a great chance of losing your positive status
Optimization in dialog commands
Fix statuses that didn't go up
Fix npc spam rules
Improved npc behavior in villas
- Available translations [PT-BR, ENGLISH, SPANISH]