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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Evil Nun Maze Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Evil Nun Maze Addon

Hello, I'm back again with another new addon! Have you tried the Keplerians Addon V5 by Lilcraft YT? Thanks for playing the add-on update also we work hard for that addon so please follow us!!!This is new addon with new horror game (Maze)  called "Evil Nun Maze: Endless Escape" by Keplerians Team 


This addon adds the legendary enemy, of course!! The one and only.......

Evil Nun:

Evil Nun has an improvements now😱

She has idle animation, walk and attack!!!

Also there's so many new scary voicelines Added to the addon!!! and she's has Glow In the dark eyes


The coin is just a props for your fanmade maps!!!

And here's a video that i'm review the addon (Included the Map)

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxkdCXBiKJaj6v_sv3dU3TQ



Evil Nun!!!


Let me know if u want more updates.


Find the file in your file manager

Tap the file and select Minecraft

It will automatically Imported to Minecraft but Activating is MANUAL