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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Elingo's Mini Blocks Add-on (Updated)

MCPE/Bedrock Elingo's Mini Blocks Add-on (Updated)

Did you ever think that your Minecraft builds have no detail? Well then you're lucky, because this addon introduces 250+ Mini Blocks that can be used for adding more detail in your Minecraft worlds. There is a variety of useful Mini Blocks.


Here is a Brick wall that uses Mini Bricks to look more destoryed.


You can place the mini cobblestone block on the cobblestone walls, to make it look more detailed.


Here are the Mini TNT blocks. They are only for decoration and will not explode.


Mini Melon


Mini Target Block


Mini Hay Block


Mini Cactus


Mini Block Crafter Recipe


You can turn the normal blocks into Mini versions of them by placing them in the Mini Block Crafter. 



The special Mini Blocks can be obtained in the stonecutter with one iron ingot.


1.17 Mini Blocks

Now you can get all Mini Blocks in the creative menu



  • Chiselled Quartz
  • Gilded Blackstone
  • Polished Basalt
  • Polished Blackstone
  • Quartz Bricks
  • Smooth Basalt
