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MCPE/Bedrock Death & Kill Counter (Add-On) [1.16+]
Easily track and count the struggles you went through your adventure, implementing an automatic death and kill counter system for your world! Counting the number of times you've killed another player, and the times you've died.
created by: r4isen1920 / Death Counter Concept by {???????} (@IntoCMD) (HongyiMC).
pack version:Â v5.0
Counter Display
Both counters cycle for every 50 ticks. You don't have to switch to each counter, as it does automatically.
The amount of deaths and kills can be seen below the player's name and through the pause menu.
Setting Up
Once you load the behavior pack, it is automatically installed into your world. No additional set up needed. Note that adding behavior packs will disable Xbox Achievements.
You also need to activate "Holiday Creator Features" for the add-on to run properly.Â
Reseting Counters
You can reset the counter by using with the following commands:
- Reset Kill Count for a player:Â /scoreboard players set [PLAYER_NAME] kills 0
- Reset Death Count for a player:Â /scoreboard players set [PLAYER_NAME] deaths 0
- Reset All Death Count:Â /function reset/deaths
- Reset All Kill Count:Â /function reset/kills
Resetting all player's death and/or kill count will only affect players that are currently joined in the world. This may be changed in the future.
- Rewritten the entire addon, death – and most importantly the kill counter – should now be more stable.Â
More fixes and tweaks will be implemented, you may the check comments section on this post for possible updates!
If for whatever reason you are not able to import the pack, please try manually importing it by downloading .ZIP instead!
Please do not re-upload my stuff