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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Craftable Mob Heads

MCPE/Bedrock Craftable Mob Heads

Craftable MobHeads addon allows you to craft mob heads in survival. This addon adds 6 new recipes to craft mob heads in the crafting table. You can craft Player Head, Zombie Head, Creeper Head, Skeleton Head, Wither Skeleton Head and Dragon Head using this addon. Wither skeletons had only 2.5 % chance of dropping wither skull so this mod makes it easier to craft wither skulls.


You can craft mob heads using their drop loot. You can see their recipes below.

  1. Wither Skull or Wither skeleton head

Just put a skeleton head in the middle and surround it with coal blocks. Wither skeletons had 2.5 % chances to drop its skull so I made this recipe a little expensive so that no gameplay experience is ruined.

2. Dragon Head 

You can craft a dragon head by using 8 eye of ender. you can use it to decorate your base.

3. Creeper Head 

You can craft a creeper head using 8 pieces of gunpowder. Add it to your collection of mob heads.

4. Skeleton Head 

You can craft a skeleton head using 8 pieces of bones. You can use these skeleton heads to craft wither skulls. Also you can use it for the decoration purpose.

5. Player Head

Crafting a player head requires 8 crafting tables... weird recipe but worth it.

6. Zombie Head 

Craft a zombie head using 8 pieces of rotten flesh. Add it to your collection of Mob Heads.

Well these were the recipes for crafting mob heads in the addon. If you like it or have any ideas related to the addon or recipe, definitely let me know in the comments below. Thankyou.!


  • Removed requirement to activate notifications on download link
  • Player Head Recipe not working Fixed.


To install this addonpack, just click the link then follow the steps and download it, now double click the downloaded addon, then game will open and import of the addon will begin. After import go to world settings then behavior pack, the select your pack, here you will see this pack click on it and hit activate. Now enter the world and enjoy.!

creator: SkinnyChopples
