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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Simplified Terraforming | Beta 0.33.7 - Nether Update

MCPE/Bedrock Simplified Terraforming | Beta 0.33.7 - Nether Update

Are you tired of the dreary work with the teroforming of your landscape on the test? Are you making a map on the marketplace and you don't have java for World Edit? This addon will appeal to you! Install it on your world and make beautiful landscapes! (The menu system has been completely redesigned)


Simplified terraforming will help you in construction with one simple tool:


Turn off

When you click the left mouse button (tap on the block / entity), it turns on

Turn on

  • When the right mouse button is pressed/ pressed on the screen, it starts working
  • If you press the right mouse button / hit the block/entity, the menu opens
  • To turn off, hit the block / entity or press the left mouse button while in sneak mode (crouch / hold shift)

Brush Menu

Opens when the brush is turned on


Experimental mode

People have complained about slowing down while using the brush. I can't do anything about it directly, for some technical reasons. That's why I created the second addon mode.

  • For this mode, you need to enable "Holiday Creator Features" 

A new item appears in this mode:

Right-click/hold on the screen to open the menu

Press the left mouse button/hit the block/entity to turn off the brush

Okay, I think it's time to finish with the technical part. There were still some bugs fixed, but not the essence. As for the sub-name of the update?

Nether update

  • When you open the list of paints and replacements, you will be given a choice between overworld and nether

In the list of paints were added:


  • Netherrack
  • Soul Sand/soid
  • Magma Block
  • Glowstone
  • Basalt
  • Blackstone

In the "Mixed" list, you can now see Netherrack

Added lava creation from Netherrack

The list of blocks will be updated in the future


  • Interface update
  • Added a certain list of blocks
  • Preparations are underway to work on an add-on for survival mode


  1. Install the add-on in your minecraft 
  2. Installing the behavior pack into your world
  3. Make sure that the resource pack is installed
  4. Launching your world

creator:  https://twitter.com/@TwoTforT

This topic was modified 5 days ago by McBedrock