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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But You Can Craft A Super Sword

Hello everybody today I present a new interesting challenge to your minecraft world a new powerful sword to kill all the minecraft mobs, the addon adds elemental stones and new bosses and the new super sword
First the craft of the sword is:

Or if you want to make the challenge you need to write the commnad /give @s supersword or /function super-sword

To get the elemental stones you need to defeat the elemental guardians in the next dungeons
Infernal dungeon:

Infernal guardian

Spawn: Nether biomes
Desert dungeon:

Desert guardian

Spawn: Deserts biomes
Power dungeon:

Power guardian

Spawn: Jungles biomes
Ocean dungeon:

Ocean guardian

Spawn: Oceans
End dungeon:

End guardian

Spawns: All the end dimension
All the bosses has this special swords with vanilla effects

Infernal guardian sword: Fire resistance
Desert guardian sword: Resistance
Power guardian sword: Strength
Ocean guardian sword: Conduit power
End guardian sword: Slow falling
Elemental summoners

This elemental summoners appear in the dungeons and you need to break it to summon the boss
Crafts to the swords

If the sword has:
Fire stone: Makes a square of fire (5×5)
Desert stone: Appears evocation fangs to hit the enemies
Power stone: Gives strength effect 10 seconds
Ocean stone: Gives to nearest mob slowness and mining fatigue
End stone: Gives to nearest mob levitation
You can combine the different stones in the sword and perform joint skills
And now this is the super sword

I hope you enjoy the addon and merry xmas
More detailde submission
New op sword
New elemental bosses
New elemental stones
New dungeons
1.- Go to the end of the submission and click in the mcaddon, archive
2.- Export mcaddon archive to minecraftÂ
3.-Wait the exportation
4.-Active the resource and behavior packs
5.-Active the experimental options
6.-Go to play the addon in your world
creator: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071417345106