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MCPE/Bedrock Better Car Add-On in World V1

This addon will add : One Car (I WILL ADD TOO MANY CARS BUT COMING SOON),Car block,Fuel, Fuel (need bucket), Engine, Cupboard, Crafting Car, Excruciating Glowstone, Excruciating Ender pearl, Hummer, 4×Iron block and you can make all tools and blocks in Survival or take all tools and blocks from Creative menu.
To make any item or block uou need to make "Crafting Car" first
to make it open the "Crafting table" and search how can make It or see this photo

after Make a Crafting Car you will can make alll tools.
to Make Hummer:

to Make the 4× iron Block

to Make Cupboard:

to Make Engine:

to Make GlowStone Powder you need to Make Excruciating Glowstone
To Make Excruciating Glowstone:

put the Excruciating Glowstone in any way and take the GlowSyone Dust and click in Excruciating Glowstone with GlowStone Dust
finally wait and you will Take GlowStone Powder
To Make Ender Pearl Powder
you need Make excruciating ender pearl
To Make excruciating ender pearl:

put the excruciating ender pearl in any way and take the Ender Pearl and click in excruciating ender pearl with Ender Pearl
finally wait and you will Take Ender Pearl Powder
that us the photo for 2 excruciating

To Make fuel (Need Bucket):

(you need glowstone powder and ender pearl powder)
To Make Fuel:

To Make Block Car:

put this block in any way and take the Hummer and click with hummer in block and the car will summonÂ
But it not work!
you should ride the Car and long press in screen (Right Click) with fuel in any way
and the car will work!
And you can carry the car if you are sneaking

Very important activate this options:

And have fun ?
. . . . . . . . . .
to Installation this addon you should download the RP and BP and tack it to minecraft and you should turn onÂ
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1zFN-BUktfaMNCVvnwVppA