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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock [2D] SCP Uniforms Addon

MCPE/Bedrock [2D] SCP Uniforms Addon

This is a SCP Uniform pack which includes 2D SCP Uniforms and other uniforms from the SCP Universe. This pack adds extra uniforms and does not replace the default Minecraft armour. 


This addon has full sets of Uniform for each role. It can be used for any type of SCP Roleplay in conjunction with the vast array of other SCP Addons.


D-Class Personnel:



MTF Epsilon-11:

Chaos Insurgency:


G.O.C & Serpeant's Hand:

SCPs: (049, 049-2, 106, 087-B, 2006, 457)

Textures By: Co1byJ98#0101
Coding By: Zevych#3152

creator: Zev Studios