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Rainbow Pie UI

Rainbow Pie UI
Rainbow Pie UI


Rainbow Pie ​​UI is a UI package that can subvert your three views.  Basically all the interfaces have been modified, very beautiful.  Called the strongest UI in Bedrock Edition.  Rainbow Pie ​​is made by @Mintraspberry from China

Material function:

translucent interface/Gaussian blur, simple style, one-click all synthesis, one-click clear synthesis grid, tab/previous sentence/next sentence button, auto-completion button in command box, language change, UI security zone modification , Full interface style coverage, and more waiting for you to explore...


Start Screen:

There are many more features to explore...

My personal home page:


https://b23.tv/b32R23(My Home Page)

https://b23.tv/Sc2qfe(Author'shome page)


Rainbow Pie: https://discord.gg/xh8ApcjprQ

Grain Reserve Pie:https://discord.gg/zpxNJDaMkj

(Welcome to Grain Reserve Pie based on Rainbow Pie)

Grain Reserve Pie Demo: