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Better Capes

Have you ever wished for a one-of-a-kind cape? What if there was a Cape that was Seamless, no matter how many holes or flaws it had? Better Capes offers a broad variety of unique Seamless designs you've never seen before, with a total of 60 Custom Capes to choose from!
Better Capes Adds 60 NEW Custom Seamless Capes for you to choose from:
Minecon 2011:
Structure Void (Glows):
Piston (Animated):
Waterfall (Animated):
Tetris (Animated):
Compatible with:
Force Coords,
Chunk Visualizer,
Ambients Custom Damage Particles,
Madhatters Chunk Borders
In This Order:
Don’t steal this pack, this was made 95% by hand and none of the code here should be stolen, copied or looked though. This pack has Code that is easily identifiable
DO NOT Repost this to and websites or apps THIS WAS MADE FOR MCPDLHUB only
BlueBoi - Texture Help
Defraction - Texture Help
Captian Doggo - Texture Help
Zexo - Texture Help
MoistCrafter - Tester
Ambient - Custom Damage Particles Compatiblity
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Discord Tag: Chainsketch#4364
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/SketchGamesOff1
IGN: Chainsketch