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STRATH Texture Pack PvP

Are you looking for some PvP texture packs? STRATH PvP is a PvP-specific texture pack. With features such as sorten sword, low fire, and so on.
Strath PvP is a texture pack for PvP in 16x resolution. This texture pack is ideal for pvp in Minecraft Bedrock. This texture pack also includes features such as low fire, sort sword, ore border, and more to make your PvP more interesting.
Here some features texture
Low fire and edited block textures
Crit Particle
Fishing Rod
Diamond Set without enchantment and with enchanment
Dark GUI
This is how look like when you use it
Also this have some features like
Retexture Gapple
Re-edit enchantment glint
High FPS
Edited Font
Sort Sword
And Etc.