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MCPE/Bedrock Wolf Armor And Storage 1.17 UPDATE
Is your wolf too weak?
Do you wanna know how much health your wolf has left?
This is an addon that adds a complete set of armor for your wolf, health and protection indicators. Discover the new things in this update.
This add-on is a recreation of the Java mod "Wolf armor and storage ( Â ", and due to the inactivity of the owner of the mod, there is a license that allows the use, redistribution,etc of the contents of that mod, so I am free to use the name and textures of the mod to create a bedrock port.
Original creator: Saty (Isabel) ( )
Licence:Â Â Licence (see download links)
You can view the license on your own by downloading the mod.
You need "Experimental game (Holiday)"
Before you start with the concepts of this add-on, you have to know that your Wolf must be previously tamed, and can't to be a baby.
       Main Video (See first)
Health indicator:
ONLY if you look at the wolf.This indicator shows the health of your Wolf, now its more dynamic, since the hearts change color when your Wolf is poisoned or under the effect of wither.
Protection Indicator
It shows the ARMOR SLOT protection of the wolf, it means if you put any vanilla armor or Wolf armor, this indicator will show its protection.
Wolf Armors
Armors can be crafted or found in ruins, and some of this armors can be enchanted
-Leather wolf armor
It provides the same Protection as all leather gear, Now this armor protect your wolf from freezing and you can craft different colors of them
to undye it
Gold wolf armor
It provides the same Protection as all gold gear
Chainmail wolf armor
It provides the same Protection as all chainmail gear
Iron wolf armor
It provides the same Protection as all iron gear
Copper Wolf Armor
It provides 14 of protection when it's o
This armor rusts every 30 minutes, and it's protection decrease in every stage, 12 of protection in Exposed stage, 11 of protection in Weathered stage, 10 of protection in oxidized stage.
You can reverse these stages using an ax or when your wolf is struck by lightning.
Diamond wolf armor
It provides the same Protection as all diamond gear
Netherite wolf armor
It provides the same Protection as all gold gear and4 knockback resistance. This armor is fireproof.
The armors are find in the section of Equipment on the item group "Horse armors"
 ---------Armor Stand---
Armor stands can equip wolf armors, changing out their model for a wolf appearance, and even copper armor rusts while on the armor stand.
Subscribe to me here ->twitter:Â @Juaneitor11[I update everyday]
On youtube:Â Juaneitor
-Added Copper Wolf Armor (Oxidation Stages and Oxidation Revert Way)
-Added new function for Leather Wolf Armors (Freezing Prevent)
-Copper Wolf Armors and Leather Wolf Armors can't be enchanted
-Added variations of leather Wolf armors (Dyes)
-Updated Health and Protection Indicators
-Now Armor Stands can equip wolf armors
-Leather Wolf Armor and Copper Wolf Armors can't be enchanted
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