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MCPE/Bedrock Vehicles
This addon adds only a motorbike for now, I will add more content in future updates, but of course a motorbike is not easy to make, you will need different parts and mechanisms to create it! Go with your friends to explore the grasslands of the massive world of minecraft! Or use it to roleplay with your friends, the possibilities are endless!
In this addon there are a lot of different mechanical objects to create vehicles, don't worry about how to get them because they are all on the crafting table.
all except for the rubber one (it is created in an oven) and the motorbike repair one (which overlaps with how to create it normally)
You will realize that whenever you create a vehicle, it will give you the vehicle and its corresponding key. Do not lose it because as in real life without a key there is no vehicle.
If the motorbike dies, it will drop a broken one, which you can repair as taught above, but you can avoid this if when it is damaged you give it iron or iron blocks which will make it regain life.
and that´s all that you need to know about this addon! All of the above will apply equally to future vehicles.
Now it is better specified all the things that this addon adds.