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MCPE/Bedrock Tatsulok Add-on (1.16.100+)
![MCPE/Bedrock Tatsulok Add-on (1.16.100+)](https://mcdlspot.com/mcpe-bedrock-images/mcpe-bedrock-tatsulok-addon-116100_2-750x459.png)
This add-on adds triangular blocks to your world. They use a custom geometry so they can do this. The add-on's name is from the word in tagalog that translates to "triangle".
Place any building block on the stonecutter to get these blocks.
You can place these blocks like a piston.
Diagonal walls
Sloped roofs
Triangle blocks
These are the blocks that you can place in a stonecutter to obtain tatsulok blocks!
- oak planks
- spruce planks
- birch planks
- jungle planks
- acacia planks
- dark oak planks
- crimson planks
- warped planks
- andesite
- blackstone
- brick
- cobblestone
- dark prismarine
- diorite
- end stone brick
- granite
- mossy cobblestone
- mossy stone bricks
- nether bricks
- polished andesite
- polished blackstone
- polished blackstone bricks
- polished diorite
- polished granite
- prismarine
- prismarine bricks
- purpur
- quartz
- red nether brick
- red nether bricks
- sandstone
- smooth quartz
- smooth red sandstone
- smooth sandstone
- smooth stone
- stone
- stone bricks
- black concrete
- blue concrete
- brown concrete
- cyan concrete
- gray concrete
- green concrete
- light blue concrete
- lime concrete
- magenta concrete
- orange concrete
- pink concrete
- purple concrete
- red concrete
- silver concrete
- white concrete
- yellow concrete
- iron block
- gold block
- diamond block
- emerald block
- netherite block
- Glass
- Stained glass
- Logs
- Stripped logs
- Deepslate variants
- Copper variants (except waxed ones)
- Tuff
- Calcite
- Dripstone
- Smooth basalt
- Quartz bricks
- Cracked nether bricks
- Honeycomb
- Terracotta
- Obsidian variants
Added more tatsulok blocks
Stained glass
Stripped logs
Deepslate variants
Copper variants (except waxed ones)
Smooth basalt
Quartz bricks
Cracked nether bricks
Obsidian variants
Fixed Tatsulok planks drops
Combined all three orientations (you place them like pistons now)
All blocks can depend on texture packs
If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description.
Don't use your own link, use the proper link.
Make sure to turn on ALL experimental gameplay features to enjoy this add-on to the fullest.
If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.
Do NOT upload a direct link.
You may copy/paste this for your content as well if you wish.
creator: https://twitter.com/real_cr21