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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Super Zombie Add-on

MCPE/Bedrock Super Zombie Add-on

This add-on has a special zombies they can summon zombies, poison effect to their target, shooting fireballs, teleport, etc. This zombie can spawn naturally and other cannot spawn naturally but you can spawn through the spawn egg and you need to prepare.


This zombies is special so make sure you need to prepare

This is a zombies below:

Elite Zombie

Effect: Poison

Wear: Netherite armor

Command: /summon zm:elite_zombie

This Zombie is so strong because of wearing the netherite armor and it has a poison effect to their target and they can spawn naturally in overworld and the nether.


King Of The Zombie


Summon: Zombies

Command: /summon zm:zombie_king

This Zombie can summon Zombies and they have a wither effecf to their target.


God of the Zombie

Shoot: Large Fireball

Special: They can teleport

Summon: Elite Zombies

Command: /summon zombie_god

This Zombie can teleport and they can shoot fireball to their target and they can summon elite zombies.




Giant Zombie

Special:The Tallest group of all zombies and they can burn in daylight


This zombie is so big and also known as the tallest group of zombies 

This zombies is so dangerous so make sure you need to prepare and also in the nether because they have a elite zombies behind you...


New Update:

*New Mob: Robotic Zombie

*The texture of God Zombie was now changed

*The name of the zombies was now shorter

*Bug fixed including name error


Tap the link then tap download it then import it

creator: Mr.shadowgreed