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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Snowy's Monorail

MCPE/Bedrock Snowy's Monorail

Welcome to Snowy’s Minecraft World and my Monorail for Minecraft Bedrock!Building a more realistic village, town or city? Me too! I’ve created mods for my own world and wanted to share them with you.



If you’ve been to Alton Towers you would have seen a Monorail taking adventure seekers to the Park. I have a theme part within my work so wanted to create something similar. I couldn’t transport the hoards of villagers I wanted to move in a minecart.

Based on the workings of a Minecart and then modified above and beyond, I have created the Monorail


There are two available in the inventory.


·         Monorail Flat Cart

·         Monorail Hill Cart


Monorail Flat Cart

These are designed to run on flat track.

They will go up and down slopes, but the rail will go into the Monorail, and we don’t want that.

The Monorail Flat Cart holds 10 Passengers, these can be players or villagers.

On the Monorail Flat Cart, the first player is sat at the front.

These have seating like a bus with standing room too.


Monorail Hill Cart

These have a different face. They’ve been designed to allow the track on a slope to go through the face of the Monorail without looking weird or squashing any Villagers. These work just fine on flat tracks. The Monorail Hill Cart holds 14 Passengers, these can be players or villagers.

On a Monorail Hill Cart, the first player is sat in the middle

They have bench seats around the ends.


For both the Monorail Hill Cart and Flat Cart, there are 17 variant colours. 

You can choose any of the Minecraft colours by selecting the Dye



Light Grey










Light Blue







You will notice that there’s an Undye option. This gives you the multicoloured cart


To do this, you’ll find “Undye” in the items tab of the inventory. 


These Monorail Carts also have another trick, they have lights and glow at night!


Both designs use the minecart principles so they will work the same way with powered track and activator rails etc. As Minecraft makes villagers stand rather than sit, I have had to compromise on positions as it will pick up villagers randomly. If more than one player rides at the same time, your seating position may be strange due to this.



Feel free to review but please link back to the download links here

Let me know if there's something you're looking for!



Please don't copy my code without me knowing, reach out to me and I'll probably be happy for you use it!


You DO NOT need experimental gameplay switched on - these will work out of the box!

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD7kSMGiWYf4GPipIOa1oaQ