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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Shulker Reproduction

MCPE/Bedrock Shulker Reproduction

This pack brings the renewable shulker mechanic from the Java Edition 1.17 update into Bedrock! Shulker reproduction, replication, multiplication, duplication...call it what you will, it's a great thing to have if you want to farm shulker shells to make shulker boxes, or even just to make the End a little more challenging.


This behavior pack implements the main mechanics of shulker reproduction from Java Edition. A shulker has 3/4 chance to spawn a new shulker when hit by a shulker bullet, subject to the following conditions:

  • Its shell must be open when hit.
  • It must have < 50% health remaining.
  • There must be < 6 shulkers within 8 blocks.
  • It must successfully teleport away.

When all of these conditions are met, a new shulker spawns in the spot where the old one teleported away from.

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcrW5iYh_4Z2pXZwu-vFUkw