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MCPE/Bedrock Scp-Zombie Mod
The war has been raging for years. The zombies were close to extinction. Then came the Scp-zombies. Can you defeat them? Ha ha. No you won't. There to good for you. If you kill 20 of the Scp-zombies, say so in the comments.
Creator: Wolfgangminecraft10
The Scp-zombies are gruesome. They've been stabbed and they've bled. They will kill you at all costs. They are a lot faster and harder to defeat. This makes your first night impossible. Especially because they can open your front door. They will become angry after being damaged, and when one of the other zombies is angry, that one will become angry and attack you. They also do not burn in daylight. When you get close to them they will shoot fireballs at you. After you damage them they will shoot dragon fireballs at you.
creator: Wolfgangminecraft10
I have added a more detailed description of the Scp-zombies.