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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock V3 Survivalcraft More Tools and Armor

MCPE/Bedrock V3 Survivalcraft More Tools and Armor

Hi i sorry for the update of this amazing addon some monthslater but well, this addon adds +10 new minerals and armor to enhance the corresponding game experience in other interests mods such as better end, multi-mod of the enderite, permadeath infernal  and more


Review by FregsD old version

The new minerals added are entherit, terminite, infernal netherite, emerald, rutile, cryogenized netherite, electrified netherite, soul netherite, natura netherite, tungsten, talosite, rhodonite, ice emerald, ancient relic and dark diamond

New diamond and netherite tools



These tools are created from the emerald ore in the classic way and then putting it in a furnace protecting a little more than the diamond.



In the same way, it is a little more resistant than diamond and this mineral is found on the end in its respective ore, crafting like other tools. Credrits to end plus mod of Java version.




Based on the enderite it is much more resistant than the netherite and it is obtained in its respective ore at the end. Credrits to enderite mod.

Netherite infernal

Taken from permadeath is a better armor than entherit . Credrits to ElRichMC creator of permadeath. Its craft is


The netherite infernal is in the nether



The new rutile armor make with rutile quartz is stronger than the iron armor though get the armor is hard, because you must ti have rutile and nether quartz.

This is the new mineral, appear in the overworld naturally. 

Its craft was with rutile quartz

With Crystal You make rutile Crystal

Cryogenized netherite

Is the second variant of netherite crafting with ice cryogenized netherite (it craft with cryogenized netherite and ice emerald 

New cryogenized netherite tools


Electrified netherite

This new variant appers in the minecraft mountains 

Soul netherite

This netherite variant appers in the soul sand vallay and you have to cook it

Natura netherite

The netherite variant appers in the jungles i  Y=20 to Y=40 and gives jump boost

Blue agate

It only appers in the desert in y=5





Dark diamond

To obtain this armor you have to kill the lost darkenes than gives you the dark powder and combine with a diamond


Ice emerald

First you can cook it to get a normal emerald

 And you have a magic wand and a book

Ancient relic

This mineral appers in the nether and you have to recolect the fragments and cook it to craft the armor and tools


Ender Warrior



Drop: Entherit fragment




Ender skeleton

Heart: 40

Damage: 4

Projectil:End explosive (temporally not summon an Ender Warriors)


Netherite infernal cube

Heart: 100

Damage: 12

Cooler strider


Damage: 10

Drop: Ice emerald

He has his little version


Cryogenized netherite cube

Health: 100



Cryogenized netherite guardian

Health: 150

Spawn with elder guardians


Netherite infernal golem


Damage: 24



Cryogenized netherite golem


Damage: 22

Effect: Slowness

 Lost soul

Netherite infernal ghast

ElectrIfied netherite golem

Electrified eagle

Natura netherite golem

Natura rhino

Soul netherite cube

Electrified cube

Soul warrior cube

Natura cube

Soul netherite golem

Soul netherite phantom

Warrior soul

Golem crafting




Ores generation and deepslate



New elemental armors

New armor sets

New elemental bosses

Compatibility with survivalcraft end expansion, more biomes and more

Bugs fixed

Some electrified and crypgenized netherite haven't craft

Electrified netherite golem cannot spawn



1.- Go to the end of the submission and click in the mcaddon or mcpack archive.                         
2.- Export mcaddon archive to minecraft 

3.-Wait the exportation

4.-Active the resorce and behavior packs

5.-Active the experimental ootions

6.-Go to play the addon in your world