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MCPE/Bedrock Ores Puzzle Add-On

Already combined with having ores from the most aggressive and common mobs in the game? This addon will do it for you and in a more fun and creative way, I'm sure you'll like it.

Welcome to another addon to our profile. If you are interested in helping us by sharing or something like that, please use our links. Also visit our profile if you want to find new and different addons for your minecraft.
This addon in question will have a different idea, We took the zombie, the skeleton and the spider for when you kill, they will drop a puzzle piece that will reference a rare item in the game.
There will be four pieces of each item divided into 3 different mobs. When you complete all four, you will be able to craft the items and have them in your inventory.
In this order you will be able to differentiate how it will be in the game:
- Zumbi - Diamond and iron pieces.
- Skeleton - Gold and redstone pieces
- Spider - emerald pieces.



If you have any suggestions for improving the addon, we would appreciate it if you respectfully share it in the comments.
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- Holyday Creator Features;
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creator: LanDay