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MCPE/Bedrock Private Space "Dimension" Addon
Do you want your own room "dimension" for yourself and don't want anyone to come in? This addon is for you! This addon adds the ability to make your own custom room "dimension".
Creating your own private room "dimension" is simple you just need to craft the Spatial Teleporter.
Spatial Teleporter:
Once you obtain this Spacial Teleporter item, you need to use it and it will teleport you to your private room "Dimension".
This is your room when it is created, you can decorate it whatever you like.
If you want to exit your room simply use the Spacial Teleporter item again and you will be teleported back.
Do not craft another Spacial Teleporter item inside the room and use it, it will cause some massive issues.
You can't use the spatial teleporter near a player who used their spatial teleporter.
This is my room when I fully decorated it.
This addon is also compatible with multiplayer. If you like this addon I might add a bigger room in the future update.
I do not recommend putting super important stuff in your room.
- Experimental settings turned on