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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Prehistoric Kingdom Addon (Alpha 0.4.1)

MCPE/Bedrock Prehistoric Kingdom Addon (Alpha 0.4.1)

Here is some information:

Carnivores can be tamed as babies using bones.

Herbivores can be tamed as babies using rabbit stew.

Dinosaurs also sleep at night.

Fossils can be found in mesa biomes and deserts, use them to bring back dinosaurs.


Tyrannosaurus Rex 

HP: 80

Damge: 18

Tarbosaurus bataar 

HP: 80

Damge: 18

Triceratops horridus/prorsus 

HP: 85

Damage: 19-20

Deinocheirus mirificus 

HP: 82

Damage: 15

Edmontosaurus annectens/regalis 

HP: 75-80

Damage: 1

Now enjoy some images taken by ataya

Some profiles by whitestang:

(This has the old tyrannosaurus texture)

Here's also the 2 addon showcase by Hugo yogurt




Edmontosaurus sleep animations is broken 

Fossils droploot isn't randomized yet 

The behavior and resources packs dont have a logo 


Whitestang (Textures, logo, profiles)

Hoover (Coding, textures, models)

Birdfungi (The coming soon carnotaurus model)

Meteor Comrade for the ideas


Just unzip the file and put it where it belongs

creator: https://twitter.com/thisissomethi11