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MCPE/Bedrock Penguin Plushies v1.0

Penguin Plushies v1.0 adds 14 different variants of cute penguin plushies! (will also be adding more soon so leave some suggestions in the comments =D) Keep in mind this add-on is only runnable in 1.16.100+ and please turn on experimental gameplay on!Â
This add-on gives 14 cute penguin plushies featuring :
- Penguin Plushie
- Penguin Plushie /w Froggy hat
- Penguin Plushie /w Strawberry hat
- Penguin Plushie /w Top hat
- Penguin Plushie /w Mickey Hat
- Penguin Plushie /w Minnie hat
- Penguin Plushie /w Winnie the Pooh hat
- Cool Penguin Plushie
- Red Penguin Plushie
- Yellow Penguin Plushie
- Green Penguin Plushie
- Blue Penguin Plushie
- Purple Penguin Plushie
- Pink Penguin Plushie
Will be adding more in future updates!

They are craftable aswell so you can obtain them in survival mode!
Penguin plushie

Red Penguin Plushie

Yellow Penguin Plushie

Green Penguin Plushie

Blue Penguin Plushie

Purple Penguin Plushie

Pink Penguin Plushie

To craft a plushie with a hat or accessories put the penguin on the bottem corner and the hat of your choice on top! (only works for the basic penguin)
Example :

Froggy hat

Bunny hat

Strawberry hat

Top hat


Winnie the Pooh hat

Mickey hat

Minnie hat

thats all! also subscribe to my yt lmfaoo