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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Parkour Blocks Add-on | Survival Update!

MCPE/Bedrock Parkour Blocks Add-on | Survival Update!

The Parkour Blocks add-on adds 61 new blocks to Minecraft, designed for you to use in your own parkour maps! These blocks let you easily implement interesting features into your maps.



There are three categories to the new blocks: Utility, Effects, and Teleport. Each one's uses and how to obtain will be explained below, but to make it simple here; stepping on each block will cause a fun effect or action. Most block types have multiple levels to them to apply a more or less potent effect.

Utility Blocks

These blocks when stepped on do basic parkour-map-like things. One sets a checkpoint on the block, one might kill you, some give you useful items, etc. The checkpoint block and death block can be crafted in survival mode.

Effect Blocks

These blocks when stepped on apply potion effects to you to make you run faster, jump higher, etc. The level 5 versions can be crafted in survival mode.

Teleport Blocks

These blocks when stepped on teleport you in their direction; there are some for each direction (north, east, up, etc.). The level 5 versions can be crafted in survival mode.


To obtain these blocks in survival, you need to first craft the Parkour Crafting Table and then inside that table craft the new blocks!

Here are the block recipes (when you craft the teleport block, you craft 2 of all types at once!):


This add-on can be used for any map without permission, just please credit me somewhere ?

You can't have all of the blocks in your inventory at the same time (there are too many) so the blocks are split into three categories when you type /function to try and get them

I plan on updating the add-on with a complete texture overhaul and any new good ideas you guys might have, so feel free to comment them below

To obtain these in creative mode simply type "/function blocks_(the category you want)" to get them

I couldn't add the recipes into the recipe book sorry!


Feel free to follow me on Twitter (@TheBombardYT) for future updates and add-ons or to share with me the maps you make with this!

  • Mobs can now be affected by blocks when they step on them
  • New "Parkour Crafting Table" added
  • Added recipes for some blocks to allow their use in survival mode
  • Added a ".mcaddon" link for more accessibility


To install, simply download and double-click/open the .mcaddon file. [.mcaddon version]

creator: https://twitter.com/@TheBombardYT