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MCPE/Bedrock Pancakes Backpacks

Have you ever thought that chest carrying mobs are bad for carrying items. Inventory space is so limited so instead of always running out of room in your inventory you can make a backpack with this addon.
Please check out this video for more information on this addon and the ad free download.
Backpack Crafting Recipe

Backpacks are similar to craft as bundles and can take awhile to hunt all those rabbits.
Backpack Item

After being crafted you get this item that spawns in your backpack when placed on the ground.
Backpack Entity

This is the backpack entity. You can left click it to open an inventory.

Running into it will cause it to bound to your back.
To download the mod ad free visit my video link in the description. PLEASE DO NOT CLAIM THIS ADDON AS YOUR OWN. If you would like to use this in a video that is fine just link back to THIS PAGE and not your own link.
If you'd like to use any of my mods/addons in a mod pack please ask me before adding them. You are free to use them in any videos but do not claim them as your own.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCndy0t04bVTybxzqHmL9Cqw/featured