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MCPE/Bedrock Outer Wilds | Desert Update! | Awesome New Biomes And Blocks!

This add-on brings a completely new and unique experience to Minecraft Bedrock! New Biomes to explore and live in! New Blocks to decorate your world. New Animals to make your world feel more alive! Improved biomes and more!
Welcome to Outer Wilds! This add-on brings a completely new and unique experience to Minecraft Bedrock! The new biomes are vanilla while still being able to capture an essence of awe. These biomes and blocks will go great with any world!
What biomes are there?

There a 4 New biomes. There are the frozen and unfrozen pine glades, the cherry forest, and the grass fields. Each biome is unique and are a great places to build! There is 1 Improved biome at the moment, which is the desert.
What blocks are there?

Outer wilds only adds a small amount of blocks to remain as vanilla as possible. The only blocks Outer wilds adds are tiny grass, sticks, rocks, field grass.
What animals are there?

Outer wilds adds butterflies, brown birds, crabs, and eagles with more animals planned in the future. These animals make your world feel a lot more alive.
Created by Outer Cloud Studio https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxnklGcKbV1isCVary0XD1Q
- Added palm trees
- Added Crabs
- Fixed floating trees
- Improved beach biome
Open the downloaded file and create a world with it by enabling Outer Castles in the behavior pack section. Make sure to enable all experimental features!
creator: https://twitter.com/CloudOuter