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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape

MCPE/Bedrock Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape

Introducing my new Addon, Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape Addon

Mobs in this Addon

Mr. Hopp the Rabbit, Mr. Stripes the Tiger and The Panda Ms. Bo

You can use this addon for your horror maps or videos in YouTube as long as you give credit to the creator of the Addon. 

I Hope you injoyed my Addon



Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape Addon

Mr. Hopp, Mr. Stripes, and Ms. Bo are waiting for you, 
Do you want something scary and exciting, well I had the perfect Addon for you 
Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape Addon adds The there cursed toys Form Mr. Hopp's Playhouse
The Rabbit is Mr. Hopp, the Tiger is Mr. Stripes and the Panda is Ms. Bo. 




Attack Damage-300

Attackable Targets-All mobs exept Families<monster>

Mr. Stripes


Attack Damage-300

Attackable Targets-All mobs exept Families<monster>

Ms. Bo


Attack Damage-300

Attackable Targets-All mobs except Families<monster>



Press the Download button to download the Addon

creator: https://www.youtube.com/c/MUSICSCIENCE