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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Mini Mob-Grinder Add-on (1.16.200+ REWORK)

MCPE/Bedrock Mini Mob-Grinder Add-on (1.16.200+ REWORK)

A while ago, I created an add-on that allows you to create a mob-grinder in one block. I reworked that add-on for 1.16 and future versions. This add-on adds a block that grinds mobs by placing their spawn eggs inside. The interval would understandably take some time in order to balance everything, though this is not an efficient solution to big mob-grinders.


Empty Mini mob-grinder

Made from cobblestone, iron bars, and a stonecutter, this block is the heart of this add-on and it grinds the spawn eggs you give it.

  • You can use a lever to activate and deactivate it.
  • Interval between productions are 30s - 45s.

Will take the following spawn eggs:

  1. Bee
  2. Blaze
  3. Cat
  4. Cave spider
  5. Chicken
  6. Cod
  7. Cow
  8. Creeper
  9. Dolphin
  10. Donkey
  11. Drowned
  12. Elder guardian
  13. Enderman
  14. Evoker
  15. Ghast
  16. Glow squid
  17. Goat
  18. Guardian
  19. Hoglin
  20. Horse
  21. Husk
  22. Llama
  23. Magma cube
  24. Mooshroom
  25. Mule
  26. Ocelot
  27. Panda
  28. Parrot
  29. Phantom
  30. Pig
  31. Piglin
  32. Piglin brute
  33. Pillager
  34. Polar bear
  35. Pufferfish
  36. Rabbit
  37. Ravager
  38. Salmon
  39. Sheep
  40. Shulker
  41. Skeleton
  42. Skeleton horse
  43. Slime
  44. Spider
  45. Squid
  46. Stray
  47. Strider
  48. Tropical fish
  49. Turtle
  50. Vex
  51. Vindicator
  52. Wandering trader
  53. Witch
  54. Wither skeleton
  55. Zoglin
  56. Zombie
  57. Zombie horse
  58. Zombified piglin
  59. Zombie villager


The production ranges at average 1-2 items.

Video demonstration


creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDoq0m403BCMzXjN0LABI7w



Added goat and glow squid support for mini-mob grinders.


If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description.
Don't use your own link, use the proper link.
Make sure to turn on ALL experimental gameplay features to enjoy this add-on to the fullest.
If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.
Do NOT upload a direct link.
You may copy/paste this for your content as well if you wish.