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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Mineral Harvest

MCPE/Bedrock Mineral Harvest

Mineral harvest

Hello there, how are you ? here Cristopher now. Now I have brought a new mods made for your survival world, where you can have your own mineral farm


How it works ? 

It is quite simple, it works as if it were any other crop, they are planted and harvested there is no more than that, interesting fact is that the bone powder will not make them grow faster because they are minerals

What minerals can I harvest?

excellent question at the moment you can only cultivate three the diamond, gold and finally the iron


Iron nuggets are used to plant iron crops

Crops can be harvested when in this state


gold nuggets are used to plant gold crops

Crops can be harvested when in this state


diamond seeds are used to plant diamond crops 

How to obtain them? simple just use this craft

Crops can be harvested when in this state


emerald seeds are used to plant emerald crops 

How to obtain them? simple just use this craft

Crops can be harvested when in this state


copper seeds are used to plant copper crops 

How to obtain them? simple just use this craft

Crops can be harvested when in this state

Needed for it to work:

You need to enable Holiday creator features to use this add-on

Future update:


I'm mad at myself for not being able to do it :c



1.0.4 Add copper seed and copper harvest in this add-on 


Just click and it installs itself as usual

creator: https://twitter.com/cristop67349787