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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But You Can Copy And Paste - V1

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But You Can Copy And Paste - V1

Have you ever felt like minecraft is too hard?Have you ever wanted to copy and paste in minecraft? Have you ever wanted to get blocks for building easier?If you have ever wanted any of these things this add-on is perfect for you Inspired by wisp


Minecraft but you can copy and paste -- v1


Credit to wisp --- 



Empty Copy and Paste Staff

Requires 1 stick and 8 iron to craft

(does nothing unless combined with a block)



Crafting table copy and paste staff

Require Empty Copy and Paste Staff and a crafting table to craft 

Places down crafting tables


You can revert the staff back to an empty staff by putting it back into the crafting table


Hay bale copy and paste staff

Requires Empty Copy and paste staff and a haybale to craft

Places Down Hay bales


You can revert the staff back to an empty staff by putting it back into the crafting table


Iron ore copy and paste staff

Requires Raw_Iron and an Empty Copy and paste staff

Places Down Iron Ore Blocks


You can revert the staff back to an empty staff by putting it back into the crafting table


Iron Block Copy and paste staff

Requires an Empty Staff of copy and paste and an Iron Block to craft

Places Down Iron Blocks


You can revert the staff back to an empty staff by putting it back into the crafting table


Gold block Copy and paste Staff

Requires 1 gold block and an empty copy and paste staff

Places Down Gold Blocks

You can revert the staff back to an empty staff by putting it back into the crafting table


Blocks you can use the Empty copy and paste staff on

Hay bale

Crafting table

Iron block

Iron ore

Gold block


More coming next update

By watching the video to the end or subbing to my youtube you are helping support more add-ons and updates

Showcase : 

creator: Amber Mods



press the download button
