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MCPE/Bedrock Medieval Rpg Background Music
This add-on will replace your in-game background music to an awesome medieval music.It has no voice but is majestical as it gets for Medieval music.
I do not own the music!
It is owned by  which is a free mp3 music downloader that allows you to use there music aslong as you give them creadit
I use this on my Awoken Kingdom Realm and if anyone is interested in it here is the realm code  X3w9TliJ7VU
Also we have a discord to :
About the realm : Its a rpg mmo realm based in medieval times where u can do Quest to get Gold and Exp to level up to earn skill points that you can spend in a custom skill tree. Also you can use gold to purchase Equipment in the hub area where you are in adventure but when you leave the hub to the wilderness you get put into survival where it is upto you to conquer a kingdom or rise up to start your own.
You will find that music disc 13 has been changed to the custom music!!!!!!
You can use this disc in a jukebox to play it at a specific area or use the /music command to make it play at all players with a tik delay of 900 which allows it to play the entire song will the players are adventuring!!!!
Click the link that says "Medieval Music Resource pack Download" which then well redirect you to my media fire download
Enjoy and please leave a comment to let me know what you think!!!!!!!