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MCPE/Bedrock Little Nightmares Addon
Are you a fan of the indie game Little Nightmares? well then look no more, this addon added some of the character in both LN1 and LN2 all of them have their own abilities and custom animation
The Friendly mob
- Health: 20
- Abilities: avoid danger and get hungry over time
- Health: 20
- Abilities: avoid danger and can defend himself by pick up weapon
Mono after pick up the weapon
Runaway Kid:
- Health: 20
- Abilities:Â avoid danger and will hugs nome
- Health: 20
- run away from  monster and player can be hugged by Six and RK
The Hostile Mobs
The Bullies:
- Health: 20
- Damage: 5Â
- Leap damage: 20
- Ability: leap at the target
- Feature: have one feature like in the main game
The feature
The Janitor:
- Health: 300 or 500
- Damage: 20
- 2 type of attack: normal attack and grab attack
- Special: is blind and can only hear movement
- Grab attack will not damage the target when attack
Is a mini boss
Grab Attack
Janitor putting Six into the cage
The Twin Chef:
- Health: 3000
- damage: 10
- Abilities: Cook you and other stuff in the addon
Chef cutting meat
Chef cooking meat
Chef chasing down Six and put six into the pot
The lady (Final boss)
- Health: 6 mirror shot(invincible without the mirror)
- Ability: turn thing into the Nome
- Enter boss stage when near a mirror
The lady turn a kid into a nome
For more information you can watch these video
Make sure you turn on these features they are really