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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock [Fixed] Hanprogramer's Ore Cows

MCPE/Bedrock [Fixed] Hanprogramer's Ore Cows

Adds in ore cows, they can be milked to get their ores. They eat grass to regrow their resources. And when milked they will also provide regular milk. There are few variants the overworld and the nether. And the upcoming v2 will include the end and secret updates


Adds in ore cows, they can be milked to get their ores. They eat grass to regrow their resources. And when milked they will also provide regular milk. There are few variants the overworld and the nether. And the upcoming v2 will include the end and secret updates

Ore Cows!

This addon adds in new cows to the game! All cows are unique. In order to craft them, you need to make first the original cow spawner

After that then you can create your next cows. The coal cow, then the iron cow, and so on and so forth. 

There are also nether cows! They're accesible once you've got access to the nether dimension.

Also check out my website!



Fixed the addon. Previous version was wrong and not updated. 

creator: https://twitter.com/Hanprogramer123