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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Slime Boots + Sling Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Slime Boots + Sling Addon

This addon adds slime boots with which you can jump and jump 

This can be useful if you are looking for a fun addon and you are bored !      


Slime Boots

By having the slime boots equipped they will give you 2 points of armor and you will not receive fall damage

When falling with the boots equipped you will bounce and if you jump right when you fall you can bounce infinitely

The Slime Boots can be enchanted and repaired only with other Slime Boots

Slime Sling

when this is used it throws you very far

Update 1.0.3

In this update the texture was slightly changed to make it more similar to slime

Old Texture

New Texture

Update 1.0.4

now having the slime boots equipped will give the effect of jump boost 2

For the addon to work correctly, the experiments must be activated

If you are a content creator and you are interested in making a video of my addon, keep this in mind

Do not create links from my addon

Provide this link

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If this is not respected, I will have to use my copyright


The knockback of the slime sling was corrected and now having the slime boots equipped will give you the effect of jump boost

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC04XAkmv-2fLOrBOfC5taUQ/videos