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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Gashapon Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Gashapon Addon

Do you ever feel like emeralds don`t give you a deal good enough to its valuetoo bad because if you download this addon its gonna give you more pain This Addon adds a gashapon/gacha system to minecraft by means of a gashapon machine and a gacha box trader


First to call them you must craft the following:

A Gacha Trader Call Item

A Gashapon Machine

The Gashpon Machine:

it dispenses capsules which have 5 tiers

The GachaBox Trader:

He Trades Gacha Boxes for Emeralds 

1 emerald= 1 box/pull

The Capsules/Boxes

The Capsules give materials the highest tier is Red/legendary capsule its prices range from diamonds to netherite

The green/common capsule is the lowest which can give you from cobblestone to arrows

The Boxes Gives equipment ranging from Iron to netherite terms of rarity

Tutorial Video