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MCPE/Bedrock Elite Structures

Are you tired of having to build an entire city block by block in minecraft? do you wish you could spawn structures instantly? well wish no more! with this addon you can spawn over 500+ different unique structures all from a touch of a button! this addon has all kinds of structures ranging from medieval castles and western shops to suburban skyscrapers, this addon has it all.

Elite Structures
As mentioned in the other description, This addon is a sequel to my previous addon 105 structures, it includes all the old structures plus 435 new ones. with this addon you can spawn a plethora of 500+ various unique structures instantly into any world, using structure blocks. it has everything from vehicles ,houses , and medieval castles to even full scale statues. Every building within this addon is at minimum 2 by 2 and at maximum 64 by 64, so it should fit fine with your worlds.
What type of structures does this addon include?
bellow is a list and some pictures of structures that can be found in this addon
you can also find a list of structure ids here.

105 Suburban builds
105 Different Suburban themed builds. inspired by American and European architecture. these builds are perfect for any city. these builds can also be found in the original 105 structures addon.
- Boat x4
- Buildings and Skyscrapers x39
- Farm x1
- Restaurant's x3
- Fire Departments x3
- Garages x2
- Gas stations x2
- Military base x1
- Modern Houses x5
- Parks x7
- Stores/shops x11
- Suburban houses x12
- Misc./other builds x15


101 Western Builds
101 Classic Western themed buildings, ranging from houses, shops and government type buildings. goes well with older style and regular survival worlds. all buildings with then this section all built from cobblestone, various planks and clay.
- x1 bank
- x2 abandon buildings
- x16 builds
- x2 church's
- x65 houses
- x1 military base
- x4 trains
- x10 misc. builds


110 Medieval builds
110 Medieval themed builds, has various castles ,towers ,shops and houses. fits well with survival, and other medieval type worlds.
- 25x buildings
- 1x castle
- 70x houses
- 8x towers
- 1x shop
- 3x farms
- 2x misc builds


110 Vehicle builds
110 Vehicles, includes motorcycles, buses, vans, etc. also has some aircraft builds such as helicopters, jets and planes. goes great with the suburban builds and can fit perfectly with any style of world.
- 20x helicopters
- 73x regular cars
- 7x jets
- 5x planes
- 4x tanks
- x1 bike

110 Statue Builds
110 statues, has some basic player statues and also some real world monument's such as the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, pyramids and the statue of liberty. these builds can fit well with any world and can add some extra detail to your builds.
- x5 Real world monuments
- x105 misc. or recreational type statues

What's Next?
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who downloaded my previous addon, 105 structures. your support means a lot to me and ive taken your feedback into careful consideration while making this new addon. as for future intentions for this project, although it may take a while, My goal is to eventually have 1,000+ different builds in this addon. I'm also planning on adding a UI system to make spawning buildings much more easier and efficient.
Future updates
-UI System
-1,000 structures
So how do i use it?
Simple, just download the addon and it should port directly to minecraft. after your done go to your world or make a new one, go to your behavior packs and enable the addon. after your done go to your chat and type the following command "/give @s structure_block". once done it should appear in your inventory, place down the block and press load type in the id of any structures in this addon. once done press the load button bellow the preview and enjoy! you can find a list of the structures in the showcase world found in the Downloads section. Also, remember to type in the structure id properly with no spelling mistakes or errors.
also note that this addon is compatible with Minecraft version 1.17.11, if it works on other versions be sure to let us know!
Step 1

Enable the addon, it can be found in the "behavior packs"
Step 2

When you load up your world or if you decided to make a new one, enable the addon and go to your chat and type the following command "/give @s structure_block"
Step 3

place down the structure block, and type in any structure id that can be found in the addon. you can find a list of structure ids here. after your done press load and enjoy!
Step 4

after you press load your structure should spawn in instantly!
Having issues or want to suggest a new feature? join us on discord
Change Log
- -Added more images of the addon
- -Changed the description
- -Made a list of all the structure ids
- -Added a "Whats next?" section in the description
- -Made a more detailed how to in the description
- -Fixed spelling mistakes
once you click download, when its done, it should port directly to Minecraft. if you have any issues downloading be sure to join us on discord.