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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Dragon Brood

MCPE/Bedrock Dragon Brood

Do you want extra challenge to your survival world as you build yourself up to take on the Enderdragon? 

The Enderdragon is willing to accommodate you! 

She sends her Dragon Spawn Babies and her goons (or Dragoons) to pester you and just about any other mob around you.

This Dragon Brood is pesky and can start spawning on you right after you spawn into your new world.

Run and find cover!


Dragon Brood



Dragon Spawn (Baby Dragons):

·         15 health


Dragon Spawns spawn in groups of 2-6 with a Dragoon on its back (which could be armed with a bow)!

They hover and float above and bomb with Spawnballs that produce a small area of effect cloud similar to Enderdragon attack. If the Dragoon on its back has a bow, they can shoot at you too.

·         Spawns spawn with a Dragoon on it’s back

·         Can spawn anytime anywhere above ground

·         Have a chance of dropping an Eye of Ender upon Death


·         30 Health


After killing the Dragon Spawn, the Dragoon will safely fall to the ground using slow falling, for a ground attack.

Oh…by the way…Dragoons can also spawn in patrol groups of 2-6.

·         Usually spawned with some kind of leather armor and a bow or a stone sword (possibly magical)

·         They have a chance of dropping an Ender Pearl upon Death


·         Much smaller version of the Dragonbreath

·         Produces an Area of Effect Cloud (2 block radius)

·         Cloud has same effect and damage as the Dragonbreath

·         Very dangerous if you get caught inside this small cloud!

·         Bombing weapon used by the Dragon Spawn

This YouTube video is the first episode of a series that I’ll be doing where most episodes will introduce a new mob/item/etc. that will be uploaded here.

This YouTube video will introduce you to the Dragon Brood, which contains Dragon Spawns, Dragoons, and Spawnballs.

Consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel to keep up with the storyline, check out new mobs/items/etc.


Text description has to be unique and never published anywhere else previously (PlanetMinecraft). OOPS sorry about that, been a lil while since posting and forgot about the publishing, will not happen again.

Changed Text description to be unique from other posting.

creator: https://twitter.com/munkie_spunkie