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MCPE/Bedrock Controller Addon
Controller addon adds a new level to gaming RP in minecraft. This consists of all portable gaming gadgets and console's controllers. This will help you out a lot during RP
 For the first version of this addon we have: PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch( 3 schemes), Switch lite(3 schemes), gamecube(2 schemes), PS2, PS1, PS3, Xbox one, xbox on x, xbox one s(3 schemes), Nintendo 64, Color TV game 6, Xbox 360, original xbox, xbox series s, xbox series x. You can get these controllers by putting in a command called /control for e.g /control:xbox series x, /control:nintendo,/control: ps etc. There is no wire connected to this controller, Cons:the controller is not functional and requires and item frame to place it down and its not 3dand its just an item which means it cannot be thrown which ruins the plot and vibes of gamer rage,but hey, there are Pros too. these textures are heavily made by how do they look like in real life. They are as equal size as of a real life controller (According to minecraft[except for the gamecube controller for now]) and they can be rotatable.
WARNING:Do not reupload, re edit or re create the addon and its properties .(textures, code etc.)
Are you tired of spending your minecraft coins on gaming worlds to just get controllers. Well. Here it is, the first ever controller addon for mcpe. Which adds in a crazy heck of portable devices and controllers with the good amount of types. Now you can Roleplay with your friends without spending money. You can get the controllers only by command /control. Here are some gameplay photos. I have hidden some of the skins of the controllers in the addon that have been hidden. You will find them when you are playing with this addon. All of the textures and code is handmade by me. This addon only works with mcpe v1.16.100+
1.Changed the description.
2. Added more explanation to the addon.
3. Changed the introduction a bit.