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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Atmospheric: Firelands

MCPE/Bedrock Atmospheric: Firelands

This a second part of the Atmospheric Modpack, which adds content from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft: Bedrock!This part adds content from Flames of the Nether DLC - adds few nether mobs and blocks for nether biomes! After the release of the Atmospheric modpack in the map released for it, there will be a new generation of the nether. Before that, there may be updates - bug fixes and addition of items, for example sawblade.



This is a new type of piglin that will throw fungi at you. They explode with spores and poison everyone around! It also has a bugged animation i will fix it in the future.


This boss could have been added to minecraft, but did not win the vote. And in minecraft dungeons, it remained unrealized. But now the hovering inferno is here! To summon this boss, you need to create his totem - it can be created from blaze shields and stems, craft of which can be seen in the screenshot. 

Break this totem - the battle will begin! This boss summons blazes and shoots at you. It has a special attack - it flies upward, leaving behind a fiery tnt - it explodes powerfully!

By defeating this boss, you will receive an inferno fireball - this is a projectile that you can shoot with!


This addon adds many blocks for nether biomes - they will be in nether after the full release of the modpack, but now they are not generated and are only available in creative mode. Let's take a look at them.


This is the shroom that the fungus thrower throws. Don't step on it - if you step, it will explode in spores!


These are plants from a warped forest. There are 2 types of them - warped and a void bush.


There are also plants of the warped forest - tubulars and a pod-fungus. Tubulars also can be found on the Crimson forest and other nether biomes after full release of modpack.


This is a decoration for the warped huge fungs, which adds hanging branches to them. Like a weeping willow.


These are the leafs that are often found in the warped forest. There are 2 variations of them - warped and crimson. Crimson brush will sometimes be found in the crimson forest.


These are flowers that can be found in the crimson forest. But some can be found in the warped forest.

Let's see what the warped forest looked like before and after decorating with new blocks.

And now the crimson forest - let's compare it before and after this addon.

Video review

If you want to watch a video review of the add-on, watch this video in Russian.

Terms of Use

  • It is forbidden to use code, models and other content from the addon.
  • If you want to make a video review of this addon, leave a link to this page and link to my YouTube.

This addon uses textures from minecraft dungeons game files, but I created the models and stuff myself.


How to install

  1. Download file. Usually the download folder is called downloads.
  2. Find this file in the file explorer.
  3. Open this file. If the file is not supported, please use a different explorer.
  4. In the world settings, activate the addon in the resource and behavior packs.
  5. Turn on experimental features in world settings.  I mean additional modding capabilities and experimental gameplay.
  6. Enjoy)

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOzZ2XXrHZide7JDxpJY19Q