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Faithful Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.16

Faithful Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.16

All other texture packs in this category are compared to the Faithful resource pack, which is a classic. This is due not just to the fact that Faithful was one of the first of its type, but also to the fact that it accomplishes its single aim so well: upscaling the original graphics to double the resolution while retaining everything that Minecraft fans enjoy about the normal game. Faithful's author claims that it is "the most popular texture pack on the planet." While this is a difficult claim to prove, Faithful has undeniably become a mainstay in the Minecraft community in a manner that few other packs have.

While many other default-style texture packs aim to improve upon Minecraft’s textures by adding their own unique twist – for example, more naturalistic textures in the case of Unity, or more smooth and vibrant textures in the case of the CreatorPack – Faithful instead attempts to retain as much from the original textures as possible, keeping the original color pallet and style. Therefore, realism isn’t necessarily increased over the default textures, despite the striking increase in detail. Some may find this approach underwhelming, but for others, this is the perfect balance. It therefore comes highly recommended to anyone who already like how Minecraft looks.

Faithful supports Minecraft Java versions ranging from 1.12 to 1.17, and a Bedrock version is available for purchase.
